Cision Fitness and Exercise Blogs UK Top 10
Cision interviewed fitness guru Julia Buckley last week and in that interview, Julia said my blog was one of her favourites – thanks, Julia, I’m honoured and delighted! This led to Cision ranking me at number four in the Fitness and Exercise Blogs UK Top 10 which obviously further honoured and delighted me.
You’d think that as the UK’s number four fitness and exercise blogger, I’d actually do some fitness and exercise stuff, especially as I’m still on my Operation Stop Being A Fat Lazy Cow thing. So, yes, I have been to the gym over the last few days but I haven’t done any running though. I haven’t run for a month or more – anyone got any tips on how I can get back out there?
Shall we do a pub run?
I like the ‘pub’ bit.
Is my think-about-something-else-whilst-getting-ready approach not working? I thought \i saw you post a long bike ride on Fb so you’ve not been completely idle…
I’ve been to the gym and done exercises in the house but I haven’t run for aaaages. Remembered about the Ashford Half Marathon in December though and that sort of motivated me a bit. Oh, and I have done a bit on the treadmill.
As someone who has trouble getting out there to jog, I find that working up to jogging by walking rapidly really helps. I use the same muscles, just in a less jarring way. Then, when I am ready to resume jogging, my muscles don’t protest as much.
I barely have the motivation to put my running gear on.
Thoroughly deserved Cathy! Thanks for the mention. xx