Home body pump

The good thing about doing body pump at home is you can skip the bits you don’t like. In my case, that’s the lying down bits, the abs bits and the stretching bits (and, no, that’s not all of it, shut up).

The bad thing about doing body pump at home is you have the instructor on the screen doing the same cheesy facial expressions and using the same cheesy phrases each time you use it.

Still, home body pump is almost as good as doing it in a real live class and I must have put some effort in, as my arms, legs and abs are now aching.


I also accidentally went for a ten mile bike ride. After cycling the long way round to the farm shop (2.5 miles), as it was such a beautiful (albeit windy) day, I decided to carry on.

p.s. I’ve seen some slacking going on the last couple of days, so can I remind you all: SLACKING IS NOT AN OPTION.

Thank you.


  • I like the idea if the body pump videos, I’m just not certain that I’d work as hard if I was on my own. I guess I’m just weak & need people to shout at me.

    • It is easy to slack off or stop and stare out the window in the bits you don’t like, so it is a bit of a mental workout too!

  • I also accidently ran longer than planned due to the nice weather 🙂
    Who’s slacking??? let’s go shout (virtually) at them

    • Someone on Twitter said she hadn’t done anything for three days and was resting. Someone else pushed a trolley round Tesco but I’m allowing that because it was blogged.

  • I’m so impressed at your efforts, I would basically skip every section if I tried it at home. Nice idea though, I didn’t realise there were even Body Pump videos around!

  • Hmmm seem to recall somebody walking down some stairs in the pub to get straws as their exercise for the day last time. Can you remember who that was Cathy? lol.

    Can’t condemn them too much tho, as I quit 3 or 4 days into Janathon last time. Well done at all the calorie burning goodness 🙂 That’s a whole big mac you’ve burned off.

    • Oh, I’d completely forgotten about that – thanks for the reminder! That was on my last day of the first year at uni I think, great fun.

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