B&Q bathroom installation – day 8
Day 8
Danny’s not here bright and early today. He’s still not here at 8:30 and just as I’m thinking “I bet he’s rung in sick or something” someone from his office calls (it wasn’t one of the Dragon Ladies, they must have been busy sharpening their tongues or something) to say that he’d left a message on their answerphone to say he’d suffered from his asthma in the night and had to go to the doctors. The girl on the phone says that she doesn’t know if he’ll be able to make it today as they can’t get hold of him and will call me back later to let me know what’s going on. I tell her that if he can come back he can let himself in as he has keys (although I’m not exactly confident that he hasn’t lost them).
I think I’m going to kill someone.
I quite fancied killing the woman on the tube who wasn’t only content to stand so close to me that her frizzy hair was right in my face but she also had to elbow me in the face. Then she smirked at me. I should have headbutted the f*****g bitch.
I am not in a good mood today. You may have noticed.
I ring my new best friend Alan at B&Q and tell him that the fitters are useless and haven’t they got a more reliable company they can use. He says it’s unfortunate about the asthma attack but that it doesn’t help me and he’ll ring the fitters and see what he can sort out.
Update #2
The very patient Alan at B&Q rings me back to say that he’s spoken to the fitters and that Danny’s going to be round this afternoon. I say that’s great and he can let himself in as he has keys.
I am now thinking happy positive thoughts that Danny does still have the keys, that the bath waste B&Q gave me on Saturday does indeed solve the tap/bath problem and when I get home tonight I’ll have a functioning bath. Please please please God of B&Q Installations, give me my finished bathroom. And hurry the f**k up with it too.
Update #3
My positive thinking plan didn’t work (or maybe when I was praying to the God of B&Q Installations I shouldn’t have involved the word that usually precedes the word “off”), as Danny the most unreliable builder in the world didn’t bother to come round this afternoon. What a f*****g surprise. Aarrgghh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am more than a tad annoyed. I am f*****g livid and I think if Danny the most unreliable builder in the world decides to show up in the morning I might have to stab him to death. This is legal, right?
And not only did Danny the most unreliable builder in the world not bother to come round and install my bath but neither he nor his office bothered to phone me and give me some bullshit excuse as to why he wasn’t coming round to install the bath. Why can’t these incompetent fools let me know what’s going on? At least on Wednesday last week Danny the most unreliable builder in the world left a note to say there was a problem. Although me getting a note when I get in doesn’t help much. If I get a phone call in the afternoon then there is a chance I can do something about it. Twat.
I am so annoyed I have had to open a bottle of wine. Yeah, yeah, any excuse.
State of bathroom so far (7 working days in):
A working toilet
Half a leaking sink
A bath with no taps
No tiles
No floor
No plastering
No decorating
🙁 sounds like fun
I was going to build a website and call it bandqsuck.com but someone’s already bought that domain, any ideas what else I can call it? 🙂