B&Q bathroom installation – day 18
No one turned up to do any decorating this morning so I ring the B&Q installation centre at 10:45 and speak to Jackie. I say the fitters didn’t ring me yesterday. She says she left a message for them this morning and will chase them to see what’s going on.
I tell her they’ve ripped my kitchen floor. She says oh no, what type of floor is it? I say it’s vinyl and it’s been torn. She says is it old? I say no, it’s only been down about a year. She says she’ll speak to her compensation team and find out about getting some money out to me for a new floor.
I hate B&Q. Well, I hate their fitters, anyway.
At 11:09 Dragon Lady from the fitters rings and says she can get the tiler to me on Thursday. I say okay then, first thing? She says yes.
I ring Jackie at the installation centre and say a tiler’s coming on Thursday. She says just a tiler? Did they say anything about decorating? I say no, just said the tiler’s coming on Thursday. I say this has been dragging on for ages now, this is the fourth week. She says I know, I’ve been looking at the notes of everything you and Alan have been trying to sort out, it’s awful isn’t it? She says she’ll ring the fitters and try and get everything sorted for me.
Jackie from the installation centre rings at 12:45. She says she’s spoken to the fitters and they’re waiting for the plaster to dry out and the decorator will be round on Friday and the tiler’s coming on Thursday. Jackie also says that she’s mentioned to them about the kitchen floor and they’re going to look into it.
I don’t know who’s doing the bathroom floor. Will I have to wait two weeks for a floor man? And they need to send the carpenter back to make a new bit of architrave as a piece has mysteriously gone missing. And they’re supposed to be adding some skirting board. Who’s doing that?
Tossers about sums them up!