NaBloPoMo day 5 (a retrospective)
Is it cheating to blog retrospectively? I decide no, that’s what timestamps are for. Although I was hoping to do it undetected but Warriorwoman has got up early to stalk me and spotted the gap in the NaBloPoMo thing.
But when you’re blogging retrospectively, but cheating by backdating the post stamp do you call it today or yesterday? I suppose the sensible thing to do would be to cheat properly and backdate the post stamp and call it today and just pretend that it’s not really yesterday and then no one (except Warriorwoman) would know that you went out drinking and eating Chinese food instead of staying in and blogging and then tonight I can come home and blog and call it today and it really will be today and not yesterday.
This blog every day thing is too confusing.
Blog posts on their proper days: 0
Breakfast: Muesli
Lunch: Leek and potato soup
Dinner: Hot and sour soup, pancake rolls, deep fried mushrooms, vegetables in curry sauce and noodles
Now did you actually have enough to eat yesterday (or is it today?)?
Dinner sounds pretty damn good but you are dragging that lunch out a bit now, surely you can’t have leek and potato soup again?
I make a big pot of soup every Sunday to last me all week so I have the same soup every day. The recipe being dictated by the contents of my weekly vegetable box delivery. Except tomorrow there will be a variation as I’m going out for lunch.