I have excelled myself in my lameness
This Janathon was the lamest effort of all the ‘athons so far. Oh well, Juneathon isn’t that far away and I can redeem myself then.
Today I cycled about 2.2 miles to the station, then about .8 miles to uni, then I didn’t even have to cycle back, as Shaun picked me up on the way back from his dad’s.
The shame.
I’ll do a ‘thank you for joining in’ post and announce the ‘winner’ (even if anyone who’s been checking the leaderboard on Running Free Online will know who it is anyway (especially as it’s now February in his time zone so he finished before everyone else)) tomorrow.
In the meantime, well done everyone who completed Janathon 2012 and good luck to those of you still to complete it!
Stats (cycling)
Distance: about 2.89 miles (I didn’t Garmin it)
Time: about 20 minutes
Speed: not very fast
Pitiful Janathon efforts from me: 1
hey-you tried-more than i did. I will try Juneathon again
Erm, well done! I still don’t understand how those people at the top of the totals board do it, do they actually do anything else?
Roll on Juneathon!
Once more, thank you so much for organising it. I’m not that impressed with my efforts, but I wouldn’t miss it for anything
Thanks for organising Janathon again, Cathy! It’s been fab! 🙂
I love the Janathon – thanks for organising it. See you in June!!
Great janathon — will (sort of) miss it. Thanks for officiating so well!
Your Janathon effort is far from pitiful! As the one who organizes it, you are putting forth the most effort… extra credit points for stepping up & taking charge! 🙂 Thank you so much for doing this. I have all kinds of fun & good health & personal growth because of Janathon/Juneathons. You’re on the top of my “leaderboard”: Cathy’s a winner!
I wrote this for you Cathy, inspired by your pragmatic approach to running.
Sing along here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13780040/Janathon%20Lyrics.txt
Thank you Cathy for organising! Beer soon.