Juneathon 2014 – Day 2 – Bald Sheep

After yesterday’s pathetic effort, I knew I had to redeem myself today so I went for a walk. Okay, so a walk isn’t exactly extreme effort but if it hadn’t have been for Juneathon, I wouldn’t have bothered and that’s one of the points of Juneathon, really.

To make it more interesting though, I thought I’d get some photos of the lambs in the field a few doors away. Unfortunately, they were far away and I could only get a crap photo.


Then I saw some cows but they were hiding behind the hedge.


I did get a photo of a bald sheep though.


Tomorrow, I’ll go for a run. Promise.

Juneathon Day 2

Walk: 1.5 miles
Lambs: far away
Sheep: bald
Cows: hiding in a hedge

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