A slight detour or two
As this weekend’s long run will consist of doing the 5k City of London Race for Life, I decide to ramp up my mileage by undertaking another one of those running commute things that I love so much. Although I do seem to have a running commute convert who actually enjoyed the experience. Ha, he’s new to London, it won’t be long before he’s hard and cynical like me the rest of London.
So after a busy busy busy day at work which was made busier by my boss coming over to me at lunchtime while I was on the internet and telling me I’ll go blind and what was I reading and me replying “something about Michael Jackson’s kids”, he says I obviously haven’t got enough to do but I’m pleased he didn’t come over five minutes earlier because then if he’d asked me what I was reading I’d have had to have said “a review of a film about a man bleeding to death after having sex with a horse” and then my boss might have questioned my long-term career plans at his firm. He ignores the fact I’m at lunch and obviously have important things to do like read about Michael Jackson’s kids and men shagging horses and gives me work to do and I’m flat out until hometime at 6 o’clock and I set off in the rain for my commute and when I get to Stamford Hill I wonder if Bernard’s mate has ever been there and if Jewish and Muslim people are on his list of people you shouldn’t six next to on a bus along with homeless, gay, disabled and black people, as announced by him when he unequivocally displayed his bigoted twatness to Tracey a few weeks ago and I when I get over the bridge at the marina I see a dodgy looking bloke standing at the end of the bushes and I’m thinking why is that dodgy looking bloke just standing there in the rain and when I get a bit nearer I see another dodgy looking bloke hitting the bushes or something and I turn round and go back the way I came and then I’m thinking shit, I really really don’t want to go home by road but my desire to really really not want to go on the road isn’t as strong as my desire to really really not get attacked and I go up by the river and I get to the ice rink and then I have to decide whether to go past the stables or back out onto the road and I go over the bridge and can see another couple of dodgy looking blokes on the marshes and so I go out onto the street and continue that way and I think every cloud blah blah blah and at least this way I’ll get my mileage up for the 100 mile challenge so yay.
Today’s route
Distance: 7.15 mile
Time: 1:26:07 minutes
Pace: 12:02
Calories: 695
Converts to a running commute: 1
Bosses interrupting my lunch: 1
Dodgy looking blokes over the marshes: 4
Bigoted twats: 1
Detours: 2
Clouds with silver linings: 1
The Mission
Sisters of Mercy
Soft Cell
Faith No More
The Beatles
The Secret Machines
The Levellers
Baby Teeth
The Polyphonic Spree
Scissor Sisters
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Miles completed so far
20.71 out of 100 / 26 days left
Looks like this 100 mile thing is definitely going to happen now.
OK, I’m a convert, and proud of it. Although my ex-eolleagues have found some off-road running over in rural Berkshire. Anything like that in London? That West Hampstead run looks nice too.
LOL – your life is full of dodgy looking blokes 😉
Well done on the miles and hope that R.F.L goes well for you.
You made the mistake of sitting at your desk at lunchtime – always do a runner.