
I wake up knackered and think bollocks to doing seven miles and I don’t actually have the energy to go for a run at all but I decide I can probably manage three miles and I can also do some cow investigating and I’m feeling paranoid so I grab my personal alarm and go outside and a man hands me a pizza menu and I think mmmmmmmmm pizza but I remember it’s Veganthon and put the pizza menu in the recycling bin and it’s hot and sunny and I’m thinking I’m going to boil as I’ve got a normal t-shirt on as I was too lazy to go downstairs and get a proper one even though obviously I had to go downstairs to go outside anyway and I get over the footbridge and have a heart attack as I run into a man coming round the corner but it’s just another runner and my heart attack reminds me that the mighty Tim Smith of Cardiacs had a cardiac arrest and GET WELL SOON TIM and if I ever join a band I’m going to make sure it’s called I’m Rich and Famous and Really Thin Too or something and after 1.2 miles I stop to walk and I think what the fuck? I can’t start walking after 1.2 miles so I start to run again and go through the scary bridge and a family comes over the hill and I decide they’re probably not the Axe Murdering Family Robinson or anything and I can see a big black raincloud and I think oh no, it’s going to rain and then I think hurrah, it’s going to rain and then I don’t have to do the garden as even Shaun can’t talk me into gardening in the rain and I can revert to Plan A which is Shaun does the garden while I watch through the window and provide tea and biscuits and then it starts to rain really heavily and I think hurrah, no gardening for me but by the time I get home the rain has stopped and the sun has come out again and I google for raindances but I’m not sure they’re going to work as all I can see is blue sky and a few fluffy white clouds.  Damn.

Distance: 2.95 miles
Time: 37:32
Pace: 12:43
Calories: 278
Cows: 0
Rainclouds: 1
Blue skies: 1
Fluffy white clouds: a few
Raindances: 1
Raindances that worked: 0
Black Kids
The Killers
Polyphonic Spree


  • Which is the scary bridge?

  • The one after the stables as you’re going towards Coppermill Lane. Two women got attacked there on separate occasions last year or the year before.


  • o, you don’t want to be really thin. I’ve been really thin virtually all my life and it’s no fun, believe me!

  • I meant ‘No, you …’

  • I was thinner before I stopped smoking and I want to be skinny again. Now I have to watch what I eat, it’s not fair.

  • how is veganthon going jb? what are you eating? ..

  • Oh dear (about the bridge). I know which one you mean. There are usually a few people out and about around that bit, and houses/flats there, so not too hidden away.

    Skinny’s ok if that’s the way you’re meant to be – boo to watching what you eat though!

  • Veganthon’s great. I haven’t blogged about it as I haven’t really thought about it. Apart from when I get the munchies and want chocolate, it’s practically been second nature. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to a pizza on 1 August though!

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