Running commute number whatever

I suppose I should have blogged Sunday’s cycle ride over the marshes (no, I don’t know how I got talked into getting on a bike either…) but as this is a r.u.n.n.i.n.g blog and not a c.y.c.l.i.n.g blog, I’m not going to. I’ll just gloat a bit about the fact I didn’t fall off. Not even when I went hurtling down a hill at about sixty five million miles an hour.

And so because it’s Tuesday, that means it’s running commute day and my Garmin picks up a signal in record time (for Central London that is, i.e. about 5 minutes instead of 15) and I manage to not get lost on the new half mile bit and I get to Kingsland High Road which has got to be the most boring and annoying street in the world to run down and I’m constantly being cut up by people crossing my path in their quest to get to the fried chicken or kebab shops and I find myself inexplicably drawn to Nandos and I’m so busy trying to look in there I run into the back of a woman and I say sorry and she smiles and I think she’s more tolerant than me as if someone was taking more notice of a chicken shop than where she was going I’d be a bit pissed off and especially if it was a vegan taking more notice of a chicken shop than where she was going and then I’m thinking I’ve gone too far as I’m sure the turning isn’t this far down the road and it seems like I’m going down the same road for ever and ever but I haven’t gone too far and I stop to walk up the steep bit but then decide I’d better get used to steep bits as what am I going to do when I’m stood at the bottom of Ben Nevis and think fuck it’s a hill and I’ve got to walk up it, and then another two mountains after that and so I run up the steep bit but only for about five seconds and I stop to walk and then I get to Spring Hill and run down it and I manage to run most of my commute for a change.

Distance: 6.65 miles
Time: 1:22:36
Pace: 12:26
Calories: 609
Manic Street Preachers
Charlotte Hatherley


  • hope you didn’t ride on any pavements….

  • No, I rode very slowly in the gutter for the quarter of a mile to the marshes!

  • Ben Nevis is quite a hill, I remember struggling to walk from the car to the visitor centre which must have been less than 100 yards away.

  • Pah. You think Ben Nevis is steep? Pah! You should come to Suffolk. The hills near me are really really steep, I can tell you. Ahem.

  • How is the vegan thing going? Is it just an experiment or do you plan to continue.

    As always impressed by your running/commute and having to cut through all the people milling around on the pavements.

  • I thought you hated cyclists?

  • I do hate cyclists. But only the ones who go on the pavements and go through red lights. I managed to do neither of those things.

    I knew I should have kept quiet.

  • I will vegan blog soon. I just don’t think about being vegan, it’s so easy. But I won’t stick at it. Come 1 August, I’m diving into a four cheese pizza.

    And I can’t wait.

  • Oh, we probably passed each other on Sunday, we too went for a bike ride round those parts! We did take shelter in the lovely cafe in Springfield Park when the rain came down, then had our picnic under a tree.

    We were the ones all kitted out in glow-in-the-dark safety attire, couldn’t miss us.

  • Oh wow, we were sheltering in the cafe when the rain came down too! Must have been at the same time.

  • Oh that’s weird! I was probably trying to entice H to stay still with some bread or something whilst trying to enjoy my coffee. And i had said to E that I should look out for you running round there!

  • LOL – You on a bike 😉

    I must admit you London runners ROCK! when I run aound town I hate it – people are always in the way making you run in and out. Great post! See ya soon.

    PS. the CancerSell is happening 31st July 2008 – 98 Leonard Street, London, EC1V 9AY. 6pm – 11pm. FREE ENTRY – I’m not going to be able to make it, but I bet it’s going to be a great night.

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