3 miles in 30 minutes
As Warriorwoman has impressively spent two days chasing tube lines, after cleaning my embarrassingly dirty kitchen, I enter three races and this sufficiently motivates me into venturing out into the Bank Holiday sunshine rain to keep up with the challenge within a challenge (although I am quietly confident that it won’t be long before Warriorwoman slacks off with pathetic excuses like exams/broken backs/flowers to water, etc.)
I go round the marshes and get soaking wet and I do my 3 mile route in just over 30 minutes and therefore it’s looking likely that I will do my sub-30 5k at Sunday’s RfL if I don’t get stuck behind too many pink-lycra-clad women walking really slowly whilst eating pies and therefore can claim my free beer and pizza. Hurrah.
Distance: 3.01 miles
Calories: 303
Races entered: 3
Sunny weathers: 0
Rain: lots
30 minute marshes: 1
Free pizzas on the horizon: 1
The Beatles
The The
The Smiths
Bobby Conn
The Mission
Miles completed so far
6.49 / 100
Right that’s it!
It’s 22:30, pissing it down, and I’m dressed for bed but I can’t have you thinking I’m about to slack off. I’m off out to run around the safest route I can find in the middle of the night.
It may be very short.
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Hellooo. Well done getting out on the wet weekend. When are we going to meet up for that run now I’m in London…?
I’ll be running across London Wall at approx 6:15, although heading towards the poor side of town, not the posh side. Email me and we’ll get something sorted.
who is SDE in the junathon widget? they has run loads of miles!